One quality about myself that I'm still not sure is a good or bad one is the fact that I have a very hard time sitting still. This project is an example of this trait. I was at a local hardware store looking to buy a new energy-efficient light bulb when I came across the original package design (seen below - yellow version).
Nothing about the original design conveyed anything about it being "smart" or energy efficient, and the visual goal of the original packaging is clearly focused on consumer savings. This on it's own is not a bad thing as financial savings is one of the primary drivers for a consumer's actions when viewing products on a shelf, however I felt that this was a missed opportunity to focus not only on the savings but also the perceived value and the fact that this is indeed a high-end product. I believe I paid $15 for this bulb, and the original packaging made it feel like something that would be found in the bargain bin.
Whether or not one agrees with my thoughts on the original packaging vs. my version is not really the point. The point is to always be looking for how we can improve our visual solutions and to look at things from a different perspective.
Project Details.
CLIENT - Self-directed project
TYPE - Packaging
TECHNOLOGIES - Illustrator